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Dr. Deborah Egerton has walked a unique journey, and is in an extraordinary position to put some very important pieces together for people. She has a long history working with organizations, with providing education on diversity and holding real, healing racial dialogues, and with genuine inner work and the Enneagram. She knows what it takes to support people in going where they need to go inside to break through old patterns and move closer to their true purpose and their dreams. She is brilliant, funny, and real as it gets. I feel blessed to count her as a colleague and as a true friend.
Co-author of "The Wisdom of the Enneagram"
Dr. Egerton is one of the most brilliant people I know. Actually, she is THE most brilliant. Both her cognitive ability and her emotional intelligence far surpass what most of us have become accustomed to experiencing on a day-to-day basis. Deborah leads with her heart, but is guided by a strong sense of moral integrity and informed by her intellect. I have never met a client of hers who has had extended exposure and not been profoundly affected by her energy and influence. To know Deborah over a period of time is to grow as a human being and as a leader. Dr. Egerton is a highly sought after Executive Coach, Enneagram leader, and professional development partner. If you have the good fortune to be able to book her for any engagement, consider yourself lucky. Unfortunately for all of us, there is only one of her.
Author of Erasing Institutional Bias: How to Create Systemic Change for Organizational Inclusion
Dr. Egerton and her team offer powerful tools and keen insights that allow individual staff and staff teams realize their full potential and become happier and more productive. I highly recommend Trinity Transition Consultants.
Deborah Egerton is a natural coach, teacher, and consultant. Her expertise in diversity and understanding people and their interactions are a great strength. We studied the enneagram together almost 20 years ago, and we've been colleagues and friends ever since, able to see clearly the ways in which issues of diversity and personality affect individuals, groups, and systems. A smart and gracious presence, Deborah gets things done and is able to meet people where they are. I have and will continue to recommend her work to any and all who ask.
While at HGS, Deborah worked with our team to change the conversation around diversity and inclusion through two programs. One was a very innovative approach to preventing workplace harassment and the other was CANDLE. The CANDLE program was open to all employees though a core group stuck with it. Simply, it was a way for people to change the conversation about diversity and share their own stories. It was so powerful -- even after the company has been gone now, three years, people still meet. Deborah does amazing and innovative work with warmth and care.
Deborah is a talented, compassionate, and influential teacher whose leadership example inspires change as much as her content. As the best teachers do, she understands that knowledge of the group and organizational culture is as important to help the message land as her own focused teaching style. Shifting cultural paradigms and entrenched beliefs is layered and difficult work but her extensive experience allows her to deliver this work with patience and grace. She has my highest recommendation for any needs related to Equity and Inclusion work especially related to the Enneagram.
Dr. Deborah Egerton is a spiritual leader for our times. She mentors leaders worldwide in the fields of politics, medicine, business and education. She is also a much loved and respected Enneagram teacher. To be in Deborah's presence, is a blessing. And we are all blessed that Deborah is leading this new program which is call to action for students and teachers of the Enneagram.
Author of Higher Purpose: How to Find More Inspiration, Meaning, and Purpose in Your Life
Dr. Deborah Egerton brings to her work with the Enneagram unique and powerful qualities to the important work of diversity and inclusion. Trained as a psychologist, and with a long career helping leaders and work teams around the world become more conscious and aware, her special combination of compassion, wisdom, and lived experience enables her to communicate about the cultural and political aspects of human interactions with directness, sensitivity, and grace. I've seen her open even the most closed of minds through the force of her intelligence, her principles, and her basic human kindness.
Author of The Complete Enneagram and The 9 Types of Leadership
Dr. Egerton is truly one of a kind. she routinely guest lectures to teach my undergraduates about the foundations of the enneagram and provides them with an understanding of how to use it in real life situations that involve collaborating with others and getting the best outcomes for team. she is a kind, easy to approach and easy to talk to experienced professional who has a unique knack for ensuring everyone is heard and valued. a true leader in these complex times.
Deborah Egerton is an excellent, experienced life skills expert who conducted a variety of diversity and growth groups at Human Genome Sciences. She used those skills to broaden personal awareness of the value and challenges of the differences that we all experience as human beings in our cultural, family and environmental backgrounds. Her work was insightful, done with great sensitivity and compassion, and the impact was felt far beyond the group's members as those involved interacted with others in the corporate environment. In fact, members of the diversity group continued to meet long after a company buyout and shutdown. I would highly recommend her work for any business that seeks to build upon the rich diversity of employees and enable deeper awareness and appreciation of the value and challenge differences provide.
Dr. Egerton is an expert in the field of diversity and cultural competence. We worked together for over four years. She and her team provided MNCPPC with a clear and effective approach for our agency to grow a diverse workforce that could work as highly productive teams that would provide top service to our increasing diverse population. I high highly recommend Trinity Transition Consultants.
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